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Screening Forms for Potential Environmental & Social Safeguards Issues for Off-Grid Mini-Grid Projects(ESCoP) and Solar Home Systems ,Environmental and Social Codes of Practice for the Off-Grid SHS Sub-Projects and Off-Grid Mini-Grid Subprojects(Screening Form),ESMF - 2020

03 July 20

creening Forms for Potential Environmental & Social Safeguards Issues for Off-Grid Mini-Grid Projects(ESCoP) and Solar Home Systems ,Environmental and Social Codes of Practice for the Off-Grid SHS Sub-Projects and Off-Grid Mini-Grid Subprojects(Screening Form),ESMF - 2020







Annex 2- Screening Forms for Potential Environmental & Social Safeguards Issues for Solar Home Systems :

Download links Screening Form for RBF

                           Solar Form

Annes 3- Screening Forms for Potential Environmental & Social Safeguards Issues for Off-Grid Mini-Grid Projects(ESCoP)

Download links: 1. Solar (only) ESCoP

                          2. Biomass  ESCoP

                          3. Hydropower  ESCoP

                          4. Solar-Diesel  ESCoP

                          5. Wind-Diesel  ESCoP

                          6. Biomass-Diesel  ESCoP

Annex 16- Environmental and Social Codes of Practice for the Off-Grid SHS Sub-Projects

Download links:  1.ESCoP for RBF

                            2.Solar ESCoP

Annex 17- Environmental and Social Codes of Practice for Off-Grid Mini-Grid Subprojects(Screening Form)

Download links: 1. Solar (only) Form

                          2. Biomass Form

                          3. Hydropower Form

                          4. Solar-Diesel Form

                          5. Wind-Diesel Form

                          6. Biomass-Diesel Form

ESMF - 2020

download links:  1. ESMF Main-2020(English Version)

                            2. ESMF Annex-2020 (English Version)